Only accurate rifles are interesting

The primary emphasis of The Everyday Marksman is on your personal skill and capabilities, but I’m not blind to the importance of good and reliable equipment for your success. The articles here cover selecting, configuring, and using your gear.

You can’t escape the work, though.

The thing I want to you remember is that your equipment only has to be good enough to be reliable. After that, it’s all about what you are capable of achieving with it. Don’t fall into the trap, as I did, of looking for mechanical solutions to software problems.

/// Equipment Archive

Beretta 92A1 double action/single action pistol

How I Learned to Shut Up and Love Double Action Pistols

I prefer double action/single action pistols for the real world. That's a rather bold statement, but I want to explain. It's not that I dislike striker fired pistols, but I've come to really enjoy the utility of the classic double action.

How To Implement the RIBZ Sight Setting

RIBZ stands for Revised Improved Battlesight Zero. It's a method of adjusting standard military carry handle sights to allow a wider range of zeroes. This leverages one of the primary benefits of the adjustable sights over fixed sights. This guide shows you how to implement RIBZ.
A selection Daniel Defense M4 AR15 Barrels demonstrating the Government profile

The Story of the Government Profile Barrel

One of the great mysteries of the modern AR-15 is the so-called Government profile barrel. The original AR-15, and M16, had the so-called "standard" profile. Today, we call this a "pencil" profile. When the design work for the M16A2 happened in the 80's, the design team shifted away from the lightweight style. The thicker barrel at the muzzle became the new standard. Eventually, all modern enthusiasts ask why that happened.
Elcan SpecterOS4x

Raw Truth Reviews: The ELCAN SpecterOS 4x

Not a lot of people know the SpecterOS 4x. You've probably heard of its heavier and more expensive sibling, the SpecterDR, though. The SpecterOS is the same optic, but fixed at 4x. It is lighter, with similar illumination, but it is more akin to the ACOG than a 1-4x scope. I really like this optic, as it has outstanding glass quality and an attractive look. But I'm not crazy about the mount.

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