I've been in one uniform or another for most of my adult life. I started in the Army as a MP. I was an instructor at the MP School for a while, then worked a Protective Assignment (Bodyguard) for the Commanding General in the Middle East. My war footing started in the 80s, waiting for the Soviets to come crashing through the Fulda Gap. After the Army I worked as a Bodyguard for business executives before becoming a Police Officer for another 20 years. During that time I became a paramedic and studied for the Bar Exam, because I got bored on the midnight shift. My family dates back to the earliest settlers in South Africa. I've lived and worked in the US, Europe, and Africa.

So I bought a Grenade Launcher (OK, Two)

In this post, Pieter goes down another rabbit hole of support weapons you might find useful during Scenario-X. In this case, it's about the flare launcher, which could serve a bunch of other purposes you probably never considered.

You See Me; and I SAW You

We've talked about several individual weapons for the prepared citizen in Scenario X. Mostly. In this post, Pieter goes through a review of common priorities and advice, and introduces another concept for an individual weapon you might not have considered.

I See You, Two: More About Night Vision

In this follow up to his first article on night vision, particularly the digital variety, Pieter covers more of the basics- like mounting and aiming with your night vision devices.

I See You! Affordable Night Vision Options Part I

In this short primer, guest writer Pieter lays out the basics of night vision units. Not everything needs to be the high end gucci gear that most people think of.

In Defense of the SMG. Maybe You’d Like One After All

SMGs and PCCs have gotten some love lately, and fell off the radar. Their utility is a hot topic for debate, so here's one of our takes. This is a first post by guest writer Pieter, so enjoy!

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