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How to Use the Martial Marksman Physical Calculator

I'm a nerd at heart, especially a data nerd. Over the course of a year, I built calculator out of a spreadsheet. This calculator encompasses all of my physical fitness goals from strength levels to body composition, cardio conditioning, and science-driven aesthetic targets. It also provides goal body mass targets, cardio zone targets, and ideal rates of fat loss or mass gain for cutting and bulking throughout the year. I've been testing it with others for a while on a small scale, and now I'm ready to release it to you. And it's free. I don't even need your email.

Fairfax Pistol Action Challenge Dec 2024 AAR

Given my focus on pistol shooting, it was high time I entered a pistol match. On December 20th, 2024, the Fairfax Rod & Gun Club hosted their monthly 2-Gun Action Challenge, but this one was pistol-only- a great fit for me in both gear and timing. Here's how it went.

Training Report: Phalanx Training Group Low Light Pistol

I really enjoy when people post training reports and lessons learned from competitions and professional schools. Charles recently talked about his experience in a low light pistol class, and I asked if he would do a write up for the site. Here it is!

Shield Sights SIS2: The Raw Truth Review

After several months, I'm dropping my review of the Shield Sights SIS2. The second generation of their Switchable Interface Sight. Shield is a UK-based company that has a long history in electro-optics, especially miniaturized ones. Despite that, most people aren't familiar with their long-gun oriented optics originally designed for the UK Ministry of Defense. So here's your introduction.

Meprolight MPO-F: The Raw Truth Review

In my effort to continue diving down the pistol optics rabbit hole, but also avoiding things made in China, I came across an interesting family of pistol dots from Meprolight: the MPO series. So I grabbed the full size open emitter version, the MPO-F, and mounted it to my recently purchased rimfire pistol to have a go. Here are my thoughts so far.

Workout of the Month: Mountain Tactical Institute Burpee Beep Test

Did you know the Air Force added new fitness test component, the high aerobic multi-shuttle run (HAMR? You might know as the beep test, which estimates VO2 max more efficiently than traditional runs. MTI has a spin off version with burpees that I think makes a perfect workout of the month entry. Let's go.

So I bought a Grenade Launcher (OK, Two)

In this post, Pieter goes down another rabbit hole of support weapons you might find useful during Scenario-X. In this case, it's about the flare launcher, which could serve a bunch of other purposes you probably never considered.

Martial Marksman Drill #2: The Modified Jason Drill

Marksman Drill #2 stems from the work of John Simpson, a sniper instructor and author I've interviewed several times. The goal is using a consistent sized target, 5 shots, and decreasing amounts of time. Let's dig in.

I Did Kettlebell-Only Training for 12 Weeks; Here’s What Happened

I took a training detour away from barbells to focus on nothing but kettlebell work (with a bit of cardio) for 12 weeks. So what did I learn? Did kettlebell-only programming live up to the hype? Do I think it's a good fit for you and other marksmen? Let's dig in.

Maven B.5 18×56 Mil Binoculars Review: My Intro to High End

Today we're looking at a pair of binoculars I've had in my possession for a bit over two months. I've been in the market for a higher end observation tool, be it a spotter or binoculars, and got a chance to look at the Maven B.5 18x56 binoculars first- and man it's a high bar to set for others. Of course, that comes with a premium cost, too. Let's get into the review.

Beginner’s Guide to Building a Competition 22 Rifle

It's no secret that I've been assembling a 22 target rifle suitable for competition and training use. I've been posting articles debating the merits of a competition 22 rifle as a stand-in for larger centerfire rifles when it comes to long-distance training and practice. Well, it's now time to throw back the curtain on what I've built.

How Much Should You Actually Weigh for Martial Success?

In what might be the most controversial post I've ever made, I'm going to tell you about how much you should weigh. In my own quest to figure out a personal journey towards health and performance, I've read a ton of articles, research papers, and training logs. Add to that a healthy dose of self-experimentation. Through all of that, I think I've landed on a formula for figuring out about where someone engaged in a variety of performance activities should be. Let's dig in.

Thank you for coming by The Everyday Marksman. This site and its community are a labor of love. I hope you stick around for a while, and maybe even join us.


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