Episodes of The Everyday Marksman Radio podcast. We cover all of our primary topics as well as talk to experts in each of those fields.

Talking about the M16A5 with Lothaen of TNR

In this episode, I sit down with Lothaen of The New Rifleman to discuss our mutual love for the M16A5 rifle. You know...the one that never really came to be for the US Military. It turns out that both of us have our own versions and experiences, and thought you might enjoy a little casual conversation about it.

The Enemy of Good Enough: Advocating for the MCC

Today's episode is bringing it back to the Minimum Capable Carbine that I wrote about in my article about your first AR-15. With so many new shooters out there dealing with their first guns, I'm seeing a lot of questions about all the little minutiae that I remember obsessing over when I got started. So this episode is really about giving some advice. Here's the short version: Don't do it.

Make the Sacrifice Worth it: Olympic Shooting with Amanda Banta

Amanda Banta is a national rifle champion and Olympic competitor. She began shooting at 11 years old and competed in the 2012 Olympic games only 9 years later. In this conversation, we take a look at what it took to make that kind of progress, what it means to have a winning mindset, and of course learn some tips for better marksmanship practice.

Community Member Highlight: Graveyard Fields

This episode is another in our community member highlight series. Today we’re focusing on Justin “Graveyard” Fields, who is very active in the community and is himself a prolific blogger. Among other blogs he runs, he most recently set up Swift | Silent | Deadly, a blog focused on full-spectrum individual security. In this interview, we talk a bit about how Justin got interested in writing about this particular set of topics as well as his thoughts on the lessons we should all be taking away from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sharpening the Edge: There’s Value in Competition

Life is full of competition. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, all of life is a giant competition for resources and reproduction. Entire species either prosper or go extinct on the macro level due to their collective abilities to compete in an ever-changing environment. Nations, businesses, and people operate in a similar way. And so should you.

Getting Started in PRS with Mike Keenan

This is an interview with pro PRS shooter Mike Keenan on what every newbie needs to know to get started in PRS or NRL competition shooting. We cover gear, attitude, and the all-important cartridge selection.

Ask Me Anything #1: What do I Fear?

It's Episode 25 of Everyday Marksman Radio! That's a bit of a milestone, as we're one quarter of the way to 100 and most podcasts don't make it past 7 episodes. To do something a little different, we've got an ask me anything episode, with questions supplied by you guys and asked by my wife, Allison. I hope you enjoy it!

Real Life is Open Division: Interview with Jeff Gurwitch

Jeff Gurwitch served in the US Army for 26 years, with 19 of those being in Special Forces. Jeff has multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and has seen the gamut of fighting styles from close quarters to long-range mountain fighting. He's also been a competitive shooter for over 15 years, competing in USPSA, IDPA, and PRS. On top of that, he also publishes articles for Defense Review and SWAT Magazine. While his tactical credentials are certainly impressive, I wanted to use this interview to instead talk about competitive shooting and its relationship to defensive and combat shooting.

The Dirty A-Word: Accountability

Have you ever been frustrated by not achieving your goals? It doesn’t really matter what the goal itself was. Perhaps it was [another] weight loss target, or putting in some extra hours on a hobby. We’ve all had that moment where it just fell apart. It sucks. Today I want to talk about the number one reason than this happens. It’s not going to be some quick fix that anyone can sell you, it’s not a book, or some slick goal-setting method. Nope, it’s just good old fashioned accountability.

You Can Feel it in the Hand: What Goes Into Quality Gear?

Kody Hamel is an everyday guy who decided to start making tactical gear. In this episode, I wanted to learn about how he got to where he is and what advice he has for other aspiring makers.

It’s Not About the Numbers: Focusing on the Right Stuff

In this week's episode, I go on a bit of a rant about focusing on the right things in life. Goals and scores are good, but they don't make you happy.

Surviving so You Can Piss Off the Mortgage Company

In this episode of Everyday Marksman Radio, I'm talking to former Army Special Forces SERE instructor Mike Moore about what it takes to survive an emergency. We dig into survival myths, homemade survival kits, and more.

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