Hindsight 5×5, Lessons from my First Six Months of Amateur Radio

This is a guest post from community member Augray who, aside from being our resident GoRuck expert, has recently been diving deep into the world of amateur radio. In this article, he lays out some of the advice and lessons learned in his first six months since getting certified and on the air.

Preparedness Skillset: The Area Study

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of "red teaming." If you aren't familiar, this is where you think deeply about how you would plan to defeat yourself if you were the bad guy. While thinking about my own gaps, I realized one of the biggest was a lack of information about my surrounding area. I mean, I know a lot about where I live, but I'd never approached it like a military intelligence analyst. What does that look like?

Ammo Shortage? No Problem. Here’s a Solution

If you’re anything like me, then the great ammo shortage of 2020 has been putting a significant damper on your range time. I have a healthy stash set aside, for sure, but the general turmoil I’m seeing out there makes me reluctant to start using it until there’s a ready replacement. So what do we do?

Keep Your Gear Dry: Waterproofing Your Pack

I'd like to throw a shout out to a fellow blogger, and community member, who did a great writeup on waterproofing a pack. I've got a bit of experience here, but given his background I think it's best to just hear it from his mouth.

Mike Green of Green Ops Tactical Talks About Adult Skills

Mike Green is a 15 year veteran of Special Operations who began a training company in Northern Virginia as a bit of a side gig. His school has since grown into quite the training operation spanning multiple states and categories of students. One of the things that stood out to me about Green Ops is their motto, “Why Should Your Training Be Less Special?”

The Marksman’s Trinity: Balance for New and Old Gun Owners

The theme of the month is all about balance, so here’s another one to think about. I thought about the elements that should go into decision making regarding everything we do, and I categorized everything into these three: safety, capability, and security. As gun owners and firearms enthusiasts, we should always be mindful of keeping these things in balance.

A Marksman’s Balance: Making Time for Things that Matter

Today's episode has to do with the theme of the month within our community over at The Marksman's Quarter: finding balance. I thought this was an appropriate topic because I just came off of a month-long break from writing or recording, and wanted to talk a little bit about what led to that hiatus and the things that have been on my mind.

From Here to the Edge of the World: Talking Radio Skills with NC Scout

Today we're sitting down with NC Scout of Brushbeater and American Partisan to talk about radio communications. Scout comes from an Army Infantry scout background, with time served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a variety of martial skills to everyday folks, including radio communications.

Overnight Outdoor Challenge

This marksman challenge is about spending a night in the wilderness. What good are all of the knot tying, fire-making, and other outdoors skills if we don't put them to use. Take this chance to get out there and enjoy a bit of nature.

The Everyday Knot Tying Challenge

This Marksman Challenge is all about the art of tying knots. I've long observed that experienced outdoorsmen learn to tie a few reliable knots extremely well, and use them for just about everything. Knowing knots also means you can carry less stuff. So let's get on to the challenge.

Community Member Highlight: Graveyard Fields

This episode is another in our community member highlight series. Today we’re focusing on Justin “Graveyard” Fields, who is very active in the community and is himself a prolific blogger. Among other blogs he runs, he most recently set up Swift | Silent | Deadly, a blog focused on full-spectrum individual security. In this interview, we talk a bit about how Justin got interested in writing about this particular set of topics as well as his thoughts on the lessons we should all be taking away from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sharpening the Edge: There’s Value in Competition

Life is full of competition. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, all of life is a giant competition for resources and reproduction. Entire species either prosper or go extinct on the macro level due to their collective abilities to compete in an ever-changing environment. Nations, businesses, and people operate in a similar way. And so should you.

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