You’re Either Shooting or Loading: Green Ops Shotgun AAR

Given the opportunity, Ross was able to jump in on a recent shotgun course put on by Green Ops Training, who Matt has interviewed a couple of times. The weather was cold and wet, which added an extra challenge to the day, and here's how it went.
goruck active shooter intervention

AAR: GoRuck Active Shooter Intervention

On July 20th, 2019, I attended GoRuck’s Active Shooter Intervention training course, as well as a night fire. I took away a lot of lessons from this one, including a preference for fiber optic sights on my pistols over tritium night sights, as well as the importance of good weapon light usage.

AAR: Max Velocity Tactical HEAT 1 Training Course

Most training courses offered to civilians focus on quickly and accurately running a carbine. This course is all about small unit tactics, and it's amazing.

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