Hi, I'm Alex or Gouge, which ever you prefer. I'm active duty Air Force officer, husband, father, aspiring author and firearms enthusiast. I enjoy the outdoors, and experiencing history. I'm seeking new opportunities building myself into a well-versed individual.

Lessons Learned from Arklatex Multigun Match Part II: Equipment

In part two of the Arklatex Multigun Competition report, Alex dives deeper into the equipment he used throughout the match and the lessons he learned. Highlights include his British webbing, plate carrier, and piggybacked RMR on an ACOG.

Lessons Learned from Arklatex Multi-Gun Match Part I

Alex, AKA Diceman, recently competed in his first multigun match at the Texarkana Gun Club. In part one of his lessons learned, he breaks down each of the four stages, his performance, and what you might take away from that experience.

What I Learned from 30 Days of Dry Practice

Alex, AKA Diceman624, was the first to complete the Dry Practice Challenge and he did a fantastic job writing up an After Action Review for the community. We're reposting it to the main blog today so you can learn alongside him.

Does the ACOG Really Slow You Down? Part 1

Check on any given online forum focused on the AR-15/M4, or really any gun board, and you'll likely find a debate over using ACOGs in a world full of red dots and Low Power Variable Optics (LPVO). I decided to test it out. Internet speculation and hokey superstition are no match for cold hard data.

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