The 4 MOA Rifle Fundamentals Challenge

This is the very first of the monthly Marksman Challenges. This is not a competition, but a way to test your own abilities and improve. The first challenge is all about the fundamentals of marksmanship.

The Minuteman KISS Rifle: Beauty in Simplicity

The Minuteman Rifle, as I call it, was a commemorative reminder of my time as a Minuteman ICBM launch officer. This lightweight KISS rifle was my main AR project between 2016 and 2017, and now one of my favorites to shoot. Let's walk through the decisions I made and see if you can't get any ideas.
body by science book

Book Review: Body by Science

I want to tell you about one of the best books on fitness and exercise I’ve ever read. In a way, it completely revolutionized how I think about exercise. I first purchased Body by Science in 2012 after a long stint of exploring better ways to live a healthy life.
BCM 20" government upper

BCM 20″ Government Barrel: Raw Truth Review

This is a review of my BCM 20" Government Profile Barrel, which I purchased as part of a complete upper in 2014. To date, it's been a fantastic piece of gear, but is the 20" outdated at this point?

Book Review: The Foundations of Sniper Marksmanship

This is a review of John C. Simpsons newest book, Foundations of Sniper Marksmanship. This is an update to an older book of his titled Snipercraft, targeted squarely at rifle shooters early in their journey. If you have never had formal marksmanship training, then this is a great read to develop a baseline before you go.
larue tactical mbt trigger

LaRue Tactical MBT: The Meticulously Built Trigger Review

The LaRue Tactical MBT is a fantastic trigger, especially when you can get it for the prices it goes on sale for. I've run one for a couple of years now, and thought it time to give it a proper review.

April 2019 America’s Rifle Challenge at the PNTC: After Action Review

On April 27th, 2019, I competed in the NRA's reborn America's Rifle Challenge at the Peacemaker National Training Center. In all, it was a very fun match and a great introduction to competitive action shooting. But I'm not without a few complaints along the way.

The Smock: Low-Profile Load Carriage Option

The tactical smock isn't as popular in the United States as it should be. It's a fantastic way to carry a bunch of important gear, from ammunition to shelter kits, close to the body and under a fairly low profile. In this post, let's take a closer look at it.

What’s the Difference Between Muzzle Brakes and Compensators?

A lot of people confuse muzzle brakes and compensators as being the same thing. Even manufacturers get the distinction wrong. They aren't equivalent, though. But it doesn't really matter for one important reason.

Have You Been Doing Cardio Training Wrong All Along?

Most people approach cardio training all wrong. it's not just about fat loss or heart health. Cardiovascular training also has huge impacts on your recovery time between hard workouts and even your cellular health.

Now Hear This: Jack Donovan on the Joy of Strength

This is a podcast episode from Jack Donovan's Start the World. It's a short listen at 10 minutes, but it's totally worth it for the gut check on your fitness habits.

Stacking Tolerances: How Little Gaps Lead to Big Performance Problems

We're getting philosophical for a bit. I'm filing this under the "Mindset" category because it has broad implications across many areas of life beyond just shooting, competition, or defense. In fact, I think this is one of the biggest cultural issues I see among gun owners in general.

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