larue tactical mbt trigger

LaRue Tactical MBT: The Meticulously Built Trigger Review

The LaRue Tactical MBT is a fantastic trigger, especially when you can get it for the prices it goes on sale for. I've run one for a couple of years now, and thought it time to give it a proper review.

Vedder Light Tuck Holster: Raw Truth Review

The Vedder Light Tuck holster has been my go-to CCW holster for over a year. I thought it was time to do a write up about this great American-made holster.

Trijicon LED TA-110 ACOG: Raw Truth Reviews

For whatever reason, I don't think the Trijicon battery-powered LED ACOGs have gained as much traction as they deserve. The classic combat optic paired with an efficient LED emitter is a great combination, and I want to take a deeper look at it. In particular, I'm going to review my TA-110 ACOG with the horseshoe-dot reticle and green LED illumination.

JP Bore Guide for 223 Cal: Raw Truth Review

If you are very particular about the way you clean your rifles, then you probably take great care not to damage the crown or chamber of your gun. A cleaning rod guide, or bore guide as they're often called, is a very effective way to prevent that kind of damage.

Precision Armament AFAB: Raw Truth Review

The Precision Armament AFAB is a killer muzzle device for making any AR-15 shoot smooth and flat. I've used it in competition and training courses, and it's been flawless.
vortex solo r/t 8x36 monocular

Vortex Solo R/T Monocular: Raw Truth Reviews

The Vortex Solo R/T 8x36 monocular is a handy piece of kit. It is lightweight, compact, and useful for daylight spotting. Its mil-hash reticle and silhouette-based ranging tools are an added bonus for competition and tactical shooters.

Mildot Master: Simplifying Your Precision Shooting Solution

I've touched on the magic of angular measurements before. Typically, you're going to run into one of two flavors: minutes of angle or milliradians. The quick version of this is to understand that a radian is another way to measure rotation around a point. A milliradian, sometimes called a mil or MRAD, is 1/1000 of a radian.

Raw Truth Review: GoRuck GR1

The GR1 is like one of those mythical objects that people on the internet talk about, but nobody you know actually has. This is my review of it.

Raw Truth Reviews: The Trijicon Accupoint TR24G

The Trijicon TR24 is one of the all time greats of the low power variable market. How has it stood the test of time?
Elcan SpecterOS4x

Raw Truth Reviews: The ELCAN SpecterOS 4x

Not a lot of people know the SpecterOS 4x. You've probably heard of its heavier and more expensive sibling, the SpecterDR, though. The SpecterOS is the same optic, but fixed at 4x. It is lighter, with similar illumination, but it is more akin to the ACOG than a 1-4x scope. I really like this optic, as it has outstanding glass quality and an attractive look. But I'm not crazy about the mount.

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