Matt is the primary author and owner of The Everyday Marksman. He's a former military officer turned professional tech sector trainer. He's a lifelong learner, passionate outdoorsman, and steadfast supporter of firearms culture.

Garmin Xero C1 Chronograph: The Raw Truth Review

I've been doing enough "serious" rifle and pistol evaluation that I've run into issues with chronograph selection. The ons I already had simply weren't cutting it for my situation. So, I did what I usually vouch against: spend some money to solve the problem. In this case, I picked up the recently-released Garmin Xero C1 Pro radar chronograph, and these are my thoughts on it so far.

Do You Need a 22LR as Your First Gun?

Short post answering a question that comes up from time to time when I put my opinions out there: Where does a rimfire rifle (or pistol) fit into the collection of a new shooter?

Starting From Scratch, a Beginner’s Guide to a Basic Armory

There's been a question floating around the web that I wanted to take a poke at. If you were advising someone on how to start their own "serious" arsenal, what would be your suggestions? In what priority order? HEre's my answer.

Martial Marksman Drill #1: Fast and Accurate Enough

This is the first of several "official" drills here at The Everyday Marksman. This one is about focusing on speed while maintaining a minimum accuracy standard at any distance with any weapon platform.

2024 Guide to Load Bearing Equipment: History, Tips, & Misteps

This post continues our look at load carriage by focusing on more traditional load bearing equipment. Before we get into my personal setups, I want to talk a little bit about how load carrying gear evolved over time.

Down the Rabbit Hole: A B&T GHM9 PCC Project

After hemming and hawing for months, I finally tipped over the edge to venture down the PCC rabbit hole. So I thought I'd introduce the project to you, how I ended up here, and where we're going with it.

Complete Guide on Setting Up Your Battle Belt: 2024 Edition

The battle belt is a sort of modern iteration of the classic ALICE gear that served the US military from the 70s through late 90s. But there are some significant differences, particularly in the type and amount of load that the belt handles. In this post, we're going through some basic guidelines and a suggested layout for developing your own minimalist fighting kit.

Prioritizing Your Marksmanship Training Zones

My recent post on establishing a fitness hierarchy made me realize that I need to do the same thing for marksmanship training. So here we are. Today I'm discussing my breakdown for prioritizing training distances and my reasoning for them.

Let’s Talk SHOT Show 2024

So SHOT show is over, and the headlines have started dying down. What were my takeaways, and is there anything I'm really looking forward to?

The Martial Marksman Physical Fitness Hierarchy

In this post, I outline the physical training hierarchy for Martial Marksmen- or really any prepared citizen, first responder, or military member. What are the most important to least important things to worry about when building up your capability? Let's get into it.

Transformation Requires Sacrifice and Other Uncomfortable Facts

In the last episode, I mentioned something called the homeostasis problem. It's a way of viewing why big changes in life are so difficult to make. It was going to be a large aside in that article, so much so that I decided it was worth its own post. So here we are: the homeostasis problem.

My New Favorite Magazine Pouch: The Savotta 2-Mag

For years, I've been on the hunt for my "perfect" magazine pouch, to no avail. Several things came close, but didn't quite get there. I even went so far as to start talking about custom work with gear makers. That is until a couple of months ago when Savotta put up a social media post that seemed to be the answer. Today, I'm reviewing that mag pouch, which just might be my favorite ever.

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