Matt is the primary author and owner of The Everyday Marksman. He's a former military officer turned professional tech sector trainer. He's a lifelong learner, passionate outdoorsman, and steadfast supporter of firearms culture.

Resource Review: TargetBarn Stage Builder

This is just a quick post to introduce you to something I recently came across that I haven't seen anyone else doing. If you've ever had to plan a USPSA or IDPA stage, then you know that it can be a bit of a pain in the backside to create because of all the unique items and props that show up. Well, someone decided to do something about it.

The Four Corners Approach to Unlocking Peak Performance

Today I'm discussing a concept that's been brewing in the the back of my brain. While working on the book, I've needed a way to illustrate how different things we do relate to improving the whole and take use to new levels of performance. I think I've figured it out, and this is my first go at explaining it.
Athlon Ares ETR Mounted

Light Precision: Build Guide for the SPR and DMR Platforms

The DMR and SPR platforms are gaining a lot of popularity again. I wanted to take a minute to walk through the history of the rifles as well as my personal templates and build suggestions should you want to go down the light precision rabbit hole for yourself.

Old But Gold – A Case for Obsolete Firearms

People often think old weapons are automatically obsolete, and don't have much place in your safe as anything other than a collectors item. In today's episode, which is admittedly a little bit of a rant, I'm going to make the case why "obsolete" weapons might still have a real world role to play.

The Road to Victory: My Tactical Biathlon Training Blueprint

So I did it, I got my ticket for the April 2023 West Virginia Gun Run. On the request of a community member, I want to tell you a bit about how I'm structuring my training for it, and how it's going now that I'm about half way through it. If you're interested, you can also join up to use my full program for yourself.

The Power of Cumulative Effects on Success and Failure

Too many people are looking for the easy out, as if finding the one perfect piece of gear, or just the right training technique, will take them to the next level of capability. But that's not true. Success and failure are lagging indicators of our choice to make deposits or take withdrawals from our internal investment account.

The General Purpose Patrol Harness: Run & Gun Kit

I'm rounding out descriptions of my load bearing equipment configurations. We've covered the MInuteman Harness, the Rifleman Rig, and now the General Purpose Patrol Harness-otherwise known as the Run & Gun rig that I'll be using for tactical biathlon competitions and other things.

WTF: You Just Have to Experience It

I sat down with a few of our community members who recently competed in events put on by Waco Tactical Fitness. I'll be doing a similar tactical biathlon event later next month, and I was curious about equipment, training, and lessons learned from the events.

The Beginner’s Guide to Ammunition Management

A while back, I did a primer on magazine pouches, and one of the topics I mentioned was managing your ammunition supply. This is the follow-up where I get into some specific advice for beginners about working through your equipment and positioning your magazines.

What Bench Are You Sitting On?

While reading through some of Coach Dan John's work, I came across a philosophy for breaking your annual training cycles. It's impossible to do everything well all of the time- something must give. Instead, we should think of our training, all of our training, from two perspectives: the bus bench, and the park bench.

The Devil’s Mile Sandbag Challenge

This marksman challenge is about grit. It's about pushing through pain, discomfort, and exhaustion to reach a goal. Our tool of choice? The humble sandbag and a pair of shoes.

Just Say No to Flex Culture

Like many enthusiast topics, we've got a problem with flex culture. What is that? Today we're talking about it, how it manifests, why its a problem, and what you can do to combat it.

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