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I’ve posted articles debating the merits of a competition 22 rifle as a stand-in for larger centerfire rifles when it comes to long-distance training and practice. Well, it’s now time to throw back the curtain on my personal project and what I learned in the process.

This article is an overview of 22 competition rifle, which members of the community colloquially dubbed the “Noisy Cricket.” There are separate reviews for each of the major components, so this article is really about the thought process that went into my parts selection and what you might do differently for yourself should you want to build up a 22LR competition rifle. Seeing as it’s been four years since diving down this rabbit hole, I’ll also talk about what would to differently today.

Setting the Scene

Using 22LR for competition and training isn’t a new phenomenon at all. Smallbore shooting has been part of the NRA and Olympic shooting for longer than I’ve been alive. In fact, one of my favorite winter Olympic events is the biathlon, which mixes cross-country skiing with 22lr target rifles.

Everyone already knows that the little rimfire is a great marksmanship training aid.

However, nearly all the traditional 22LR competitions take place at relatively short distances.  Most are shorter than 50 meters, with some exceptions going out to 100. In the last few years, though, I’ve noticed a pretty significant shift.

The Precision Rifle Series (PRS) and National Rifle League (NRL) are the two main competition bodies focused on what I call action precision shooting. It has all the elements of long-range shooting out to 1000 meters and beyond, but also involves a fair bit of moving around, building improvised positions, and generally having a blast. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to ranges and matches that can realistically put on these kinds of events. This is especially true on the more densely populated east coast.

NRL22 and the rise of the little guys

The leagues and shooters soon realized that he costs involved with this type of shooting were getting out of hand. Getting started and becoming competitive was only getting more expensive as companies responded to the rising popularity of the sport with more gadgets and fancier rifles.

They also realized that there were huge swathes of the population who were either priced out of the game or were simply not able to participate at their local range. In response, the NRL devised a sub-league known as NRL22.

This league focused exclusively on competition 22 rifles fired at shorter distances. But instead of sticking to less than 100 meters, as traditional rimfire competitions do, these matches stretched out to 300, 400, and 500 meters. Using a 22LR at these distances requires the same kind of skillsets and techniques as using a 30 caliber rifle at 800 to 1200 meters.

This form of 22LR competition is gaining a lot of popularity for all of the reasons you would expect. Ammunition is significantly cheaper to buy and practice with, but there’s also an element of challenge. It’s kind of like when I used to ride motorcycles, and old guys used to say it was more fun to ride a slow motorcycle fast than to ride a fast motorcycle slow.

Competition 22 rifles make things fun by using a ballistically poor cartridge at distances it was never meant to do. So let’s talk about the rifles.

The Scoop on 22LR Competition Rifles

There have always been three ways to get into precision-oriented 22LR rifles. The first, and most expensive, is the same kind of 22 target rifle used by Olympic athletes around the world. Those rifles reach into the $4,000 to $6,000 range and have a very specific audience with deep pockets and sponsor backing.

The second route is factory-built 22LR match rifles that emulate their centerfire cousins. This increases the size of the rimfire action and using the same footprints of the most common actions like the Remington 700. These rifles open up a world of aftermarket stocks and accessories. More than any other, this is typified by Vudoo Gun Works. They are probably the most common factory match rifle the winner circles of NRL22-style matches. But they are also still expensive at $3,000 to $4,000 for the complete rifle. 

Other companies are jumping in to the market as well. Bergara’s B-14R follows Vudoo’s led and created their rimfire action to follow the same Remington 700 footprint as their centerfire rifles. Anshutz, the known for their Olympic rifles, also produces some factory-built PRS-style guns in the $1800 price category as well.

The third route, and by far the most common for everyday folks like me, is starting with fairly basic rimfire bolt action rifle and modifying it to match-worthy status.

Up until very recently, CZ dominated this path with the 455 and now 457 series. Unbeknownst to me, CZ built up quite a following with rimfire shooters and aftermarket suppliers for this very purpose. It is this third path that I chose to go with my 22LR competition rifle project. So let’s break down the through the process.

Selecting a Competition 22 Rifle

I had a budget of around $1200 in mind before I even started out. That budget included both the optics and the rifle itself, and while was not an insignificant amount, it was nowhere near enough to jump up to one of the factory-built 22LR target rifles from Vudoo or Anschutz.

I also had it in my mind that I wanted to use an aftermarket chassis system. The main reason for that is, “just because.”

My main bolt action rifle, Project Gungnir, sits in a traditional composite stock by Manners. I really like the feel of it, but I’ve always been curious about rifle chassis. 

In my interview with Mike Keenan about PRS shooting, he spoke very highly of several chassis manufacturers. I also know how much work has gone into getting my Manners stock configured the way I want with bedding and sling points

Chassis systems avoid a lot of that work and let you quickly mount up the action and go shoot. So whatever rifle I chose, it had to work with an aftermarket chassis system. More on that later.

The Contenders

I’m not going to lie, selecting the “right” rifle to start with was difficult for me. I tend to obsess over small details that are very likely irrelevant in the real world. My main criteria came down to the following:

  • Accurate factory chamber and barrel
  • Compatibility with common chassis systems
  • 60-degree bolt throw (or similar)
  • Excellent factory trigger
  • Reliable feeding and ejection.

There are really only a handful of 22LR bolt action rifles on the market to begin with, so my list narrowed down quickly. The main contenders were the CZ 457, Tikka T1x, Ruger American Rimfire, Ruger Precision Rimfire, Savage Mark II, and a Bergara B14r barreled action.

Of these, the Bergara looked the most interesting, but the barreled actions had not shown up for ordering. So I ruled it out just based on wanting to get this project done.

The Ruger rifles looked fine, though I’ve seen mixed reports of accuracy and reliability. The bigger issue was that I couldn’t find much aftermarket support for them. The same applies to the Savage.

So, realistically, the choice was between the CZ 457 and Tikka 1x.

CZ 457 vs Tikka T1x as a 22 Target Rifle Base

This comparison probably deserves an article of its own based on my research. But if you want the short and quick version, I honestly think either one works very well. In the long run, I think the CZ lends itself more towards modifications while the Tikka is more of an “out of the box” rifle that you don’t plan on doing much more than a stock and optics.

The reason I went with the Tikka T1x was really more emotional than anything. Tikkas have always intrigued me, going all the way back to my initial debate between a Tikka T3 and the Howa 1500 that I eventually used for my first bolt action rifle project.

I’ve also had it in my head that I might want to build a .223 bolt action with a Tikka T3x, so I figured the T1X would give me a good practice rifle as well as show me whether or not I liked the feel (which I do).

With CZ, there were only three of the 457 models in contention. The first, and strongest, was the CZ 457 Varmint MTR (Match Target Rifle). It comes with a beautiful Turkish walnut stock, heavy barrel, and match chamber. The other two are the AT-One and Pro Varmint. Neither of which I could find in stock when it was time to buy. Also, neither of these had the match chamber of the MTR.

As you can see, the CZ 457 MTR is quite pretty, but my biggest hesitation was that it came with such a nice stock. Knowing that I was going to use a chassis anyway, I would have felt a little guilty about ditching such a nice looking piece of wood. I’d also read a few instances of accuracy not being up to snuff, but you know how stories on the internet go.
On paper, the Tikka T1x had everything I was looking for as well as a solid enthusiast following. I also happened to find one ready to buy, so I grabbed it. Aftermarket support between the Tikka and CZ is very close, so that’s a wash. Now that I’ve finished building up this project and writing down my thoughts, I would have been happy with either one and the CZ 457 has a few advantages I didn’t think of before.
Starting with the base: Tikka T1x
As mentioned, I selected the Tikka T1x for this project. It has Tikka’s fantastic reputation for accuracy and nice smooth actions behind it, and the internet buzz was strong. The one I purchased has a 20″ barrel, though I might have preferred something in the 16″ range for more consistent ballistics. It wasn’t available at the time, so 20″ it was.

My initial impressions of the T1x were very positive. Its machine work is top rate, with a nice feel to the bolt and trigger. The factory plastic stock is plenty stiff, though not confidence-inspiring. That didn’t matter since I was using a chassis anyway.

I measured the trigger at 3.4 lbs out of the box, but it safely adjusts down to around 1 lb if you desire. It’s crisp single-stage trigger is the same one found in the T3x line. I don’t think I’ll have any reason to replace it in the future. If I did, though, the T1x is compatible with T3x aftermarket triggers.

Something that is a bit of a bummer is that it doesn’t seem like the T1x was built with easy-to -change barrels in mind. The barrel mounting system looks simple enough with three large set screws, but reports are that actually removing them is a bear.

Optics Selection

Optics are an interesting question for a 22LR competition rifle. You might think that the shorter ranges translate to smaller scopes with less magnification. The truth is that you have almost exactly the same requirements as a full-size PRS rifle. 

Since NRL22-style matches take place at much shorter distances, match directors use correspondingly small targets. Sometimes they’re as small as a quarter of an inch. So you’ll still want a solid magnification range to 20x and beyond.

Being a precision rifle optic, I wanted it to be first focal plane. Being able to spot shots and quickly apply holdovers is a big deal in this game.

Another key factor in 22LR target rifle optics is how close the parallax adjustment can focus in. I considered slapping my Steiner P4xi 4-16×56 on the rifle, but the closest it can focus is 50 yards. The shooters I talked to while planning this project all suggested something that can do 25 yards or less because of the smaller targets at relatively close range.

Both the Athlon Ares ETR and Meopta Optika6 that I reviewed were great optics, had focused down to the desired 25 yards, but they were also outside of my budget. Burris has the RT Long Range series, but it wasn’t on the market yet.

Lucky for me, Vortex recently released the Strike Eagle 5-25×56. It has all of the desired features, and even focuses down to 15 yards. I managed to grab one at a discount and mounted it with a set of 34mm Vortex precision rings and an Area 419 30 MOA scope base.

Competition 22 Rifle Chassis

Aftermarket stocks are all over the place. I really like the look and feel of traditional stocks, but I didn’t want to go to the expense of getting a really good one and modifying it. Chassis systems offer an economical way to improve performance while adding some appreciated modularity.

Given my budget constraints, my choice came down to either the well-liked KRG Bravo or the newer Oryx Chassis produced by MDT.

I struggled with this decision before selecting the Oryx a the time, and even competed with it. There are two reasons I didn’t go with the Bravo, though. First, I really wanted to try a pistol-gripped bolt action chassis. Second, the Bravo is a lighter 2.9 lbs compared to the Oryx’s 4.2 lbs.

The Oryx chassis is essentially a solid block of machined aluminum with polymer panels attached to the sides for ergonomics. It accepts AR-15 grips and has a handful of accessories.

About two years after starting the project, I did end up picking up a Bravo, and have used it ever since. I just prefer the traditional stock ergonomics. KRG also has a healthy amount of accessories for the Bravo that MDT never did for the Oryx. Were I making this decision today, the Oryx wouldn’t be on the table and instead I would focus on the MDT XRS (which wasn’t available at the time).

Putting it All Together

So now you’ve got the quick and dirty of my new competition 22 rifle. I tried to walk you through each of the major decisions I had to make, why I made them, and some quick initial impressions. 

The hard truth, though, is that there are any number of ways to go about doing this yourself. My way is certainly not the “best” and has a lot more to do with wanting to experiment than anything else.

Four Years Later: What Would I Do Differently?

I originally wrote this article in 2020, so we’re due for an update. I still very much enjoy the T1x. Since original publishing, I swapped the Oryx chassis out for the Bravo (which I added to an update in the content), replaced the factory bolt handle with a swept model from Sterk Shooting, replaced the plastic bolt shroud with an aluminum one (also from Sterk), and a mishmash of other mods to the stock.

I still consider the Vortex Strike Eagle to be my “rimfire” scope, but seeing as I shot the T1x way more frequently than any of my other bolt actions, it actually has a much nicer Japanese-made Athlon Cronus BTR Gen 2 4.5-29×56 Mil.

Were I to start all over again today, then here’s what I would do differently: Go with the CZ 457 instead of the Tikka. Either the MTR model or the AT-ONE

The T1x and 457 were both relatively new on the market in 2020. Now, four years later, I think the 457 has earned the lions share of the aftermarket support, comes in many more desirable factory configurations, and is easier to work with (especially when it comes to barrels). Shoot it in the factory config for a while, then figure out what you want to change.

Other than that, everything else stays about the same. I really enjoy the precision rimfire game, and definitely encourage you to try it out if you’re willing.

Picture of Matt


Matt is the primary author and owner of The Everyday Marksman. He's a former military officer turned professional tech sector trainer. He's a lifelong learner, passionate outdoorsman, and steadfast supporter of firearms culture.


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Nice writeup, Matt. For those considering their own precision rimfire build, another optic to consider is the Primary Arms SLx 4-14x44mm FFP. It doesn’t have the magnification of the Vortex, but it does have an FFP reticle, and the parallax adjusts down to 10 yards. Plus, it’s just $240. I’ve got one on my Ruger Precision Rimfire, and I’m pleased with it.

Chris Nicklin
Chris Nicklin

Just remember for those that are thinking about competition, the classes are divided by price point. With the setup described I believe you are now out of the base class division and are now competing against shooters with those Vudoo and Anschutz rifles. At some point equipment matters.


I joined a sportsmen’s club this year and one of the guys in charge brought out his precision 22. I thought the concept of it was interesting but I didn’t think it was for me. After reading your article and looking at my ammo stores, the idea of practicing long range fundamentals with 22LR rather than the hard to find 556 and the more expansive 30-06 is becoming more appealing. The price tag on a Ruger Rimfire Precision (if I can find one) is very tempting seeing as I was looking to buy a 22 lever gun for practice and hunting.

Jacob Nelson
Jacob Nelson

I bought myself a Ruger Precision Rimfire a while back. Honestly, one of my favorite guns to shoot, especially suppressed. It works especially well for introducing new shooters! It isn’t perfect, but its exactly what a poor student like me needs to get range time in.


So I’ve been looking at getting into the long range 22 game myself. You provide some good info. I would say though that you completely blew your $1200 budget unless you got some freebies. I have you over $1800 prior to tax or any shipping fees.

Mark Williams
Mark Williams

What cheek cover model is that? I looked on wiebad to see if they had one for the oryx chassis and I didn’t see it.

Mark Williams
Mark Williams
Replying to  Matt

Thank you man I appreciate it


Do you know of any rifles that come with Anschutz/UIT rails from the factory (other than Anschutz rifles)? I am looking for a lighter smaller rifle than the Anschutz 1907 and something without the Anschutz price tag.

Replying to  Matt

All of the high end rifles used in international small bore and air rifle have UIT rails. They use them to attach their single point slings. The sling connects into a movable knob/handstop so that the sling attachment point can be adjusted to the shooter and the position.

M Lewis
M Lewis

New to here and this may not be something thats allowed, if not please forgive…I have a womack competition .22 rifle…thumbhole stock and the rail in the forearm with the adjustable wooden handgrip also has adjustable stock butt…metal pieces stacked to increase or decrease length. Stamped Womack on barrel. I am considering selling this piece and wondered a ballpark price range. I have no idea and cant find a similar piece for comparison.


I know this post is almost a year old but still quite a nice write up. The only problem now being finding match grade .22LR ammo at all let alone for $60. I’ve seen some standard stuff selling for upwards of $100 on gunbroker and in local stores. What a shame

Mark Laughlin

Cool article. I setup my T1x more as a lightweight field and Project Appleseed rifle.

You might want to lay in a firing pin stash for your T1x.


How did this build turn out? Do you have a YouTube videos on it?

I’m considering a similar build.

Replying to  Matt

to keep it cheep why did you not start with a second hand rifle like a anshutz 64 with a pre own chassis and spend the rest on a good scope

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