Load carriage is a big topic with me. I’ve written a lot about it before, and there always seems to be new products coming out to improve on the status quo.
In Marksman Live session 004, I talked with Brent0331, a well known YouTuber who has made a ton of videos about load carriage, camouflage, infantry tactics, and more. Brent is a US Marine NCO who spends a lot of time not only on this topic, but attending training courses and teaching others.

In all, I thought this was a great conversation and I will of course edit it down into a future podcast episode as well. We dove into a lot of topics besides load carriage, as streams tend to do, and the comments were fun and engaging.
Definitely check out Brent’s YouTube channel and subscribe (and subscribe to mine while you’re at it!). Be on the lookout for more Marksman Live sessions so you can come participate with your fellow marksmen.
Brent has always put a lot of effort into his videos. Good stuff right there.