I would like to talk about some of my personal project builds. The intent of this post is not so much a “show and tell” as it is a discussion of what decisions I made, why I made them, and how they affected me as time went on.
This article is about my very first AR-15, which I dubbed “Ascalon.” The name comes from the legend of St. George, who slew a dragon with a sword bearing the same name.
It could also have been a spear, the legend is unclear when it comes to those pesky dragons.
To get this out of the way, no, I don’t really name my rifles and refer to them like that. I just find it easier to separate different projects and concepts by name for administrative purposes. Most of the time, this rifle is simply known as the Recce.
The Origin Story
Turn back the clock to 2010. I was a few years into my military career and about to pin on the next rank. At that point in life, I owned an M1A, M1 Garand, and a 1911. Shooting was mainly a special occasion thing for impressing friends at social gatherings.
To be honest, I spent the bulk of my free time playing a lot of video games. My “genre,” if you will, is shooters. This was back in the era of Call of Duty: MW2.
At some point that year, I told my girlfriend (now wife) that I wanted to get more involved in shooting sports. To put it bluntly, I realized that spending huge amounts of time playing video games was not building any practical skills. It was a time waster. Shooting, I thought, would at least give me something to focus on and master outside of the house.
Prior to that moment, my experience was pretty thin. During my senior year of college, a good friend bought the first AR-15 I’d ever fired. It was a DPMS AP4, and he picked it up shortly after the expiration of the 90’s era assault weapons ban (AWB).
By 2010, when I decided to commit, a lot more companies had sprung up selling rifles. Message boards told me that DPMS was “budget grade” and “not up to par.” The same applied to other popular brands I knew of, such as Bushmaster, Olympic Arms, and
But I also kept seeing other brands favorably mentioned: Noveske, LMT, BCM, and more.
Doing My Homework
I like to buy nice things. It’s not that I need the best, but I want to know that any shortcomings are my fault and not the weapon’s.
Discouraged that all the brands I knew about weren’t going to cut it, I started reading everything I could possibly find. While on 24-hour alerts underground, I used downtime to scour message boards like AR15.com and M4carbine.net. Books regularly accompanied me on my alerts, with Kyle Lamb’s Green Eyes Black Rifles being a particular favorite.
I read, and learned, for months.
On the advice of “the internet,” I organized my plan. I was going to save money by purchasing individual parts over time and then assembling it when I was ready. The whole thing went into motion when I purchased a Spike’s Tactical stripped lower receiver from a local shop.
I would later find out that I didn’t really save anything, and in fact spent more money than I otherwise would have. But I’m getting there.
Version 1.0
The goal was a “do-all general purpose SHTF” rifle.
In 2010, I only had a vague notion of the recce rifle concept. I was far more influenced by flashy-looking photos and the zombie apocalypse mentality.
Of course, I also wanted it to look super cool on message board photo threads. I even went so far as to ask an engraving company about redoing the safety selector markings to something ridiculous.
I never went through with it, thankfully.
A lot of the choices I made stemmed from consistency in the logos and branding. I wrongly assumed that it would make a difference in resale value.
To match the lower, I picked up a Spikes stripped upper and a 10″ Spikes BAR handguard. The rail was actually manufactured by a then newly-formed
The barrel was, and still is, a Centurion Arms 16″ Lightweight CHF model with a factory-pinned gas block. Monty, the founder of Centurion Arms, used to offer a 1 MOA guarantee on this barrel when properly assembled and using Mk262 ammo. He doesn’t promise that anymore due to variability in assembly quality, but it’s still a very accurate barrel.
The bolt and carrier came from BCM, the flash hider was an AAC Bl
The buffer was the ST-T2 model, which I do not recommend.
To round things out, I added a set of Gen 1 Magpul MBUS sights and the
Finally, the trigger was a Geissele SSA.
The Results
I assembled the lower receiver myself but had the upper assembled at a local gun shop. I watched the guy assemble it and, frankly, never trusted his work.
It looked badass and shot well. I was happy with it but learned a few lessons along the way regarding tooling and parts. Those lessons came back to help me in later builds.

Including the optic, the project ended up costing me nearly $3000 in parts, tools, and shipping fees. As I said, I thought I would save money by doing it piecemeal but reality went the opposite direction. The only positive thing was that I could spread the cost out over the better part of a year.
I thought it was all worth it when I took my girlfriend (now wife) to the range and she shot it for the first time. After much hesitation, she squeezed the trigger, paused, and fired again. A huge smile spread across her face and she declared, “I want one!”
That moment right there was the start of my second project, the lightweight KISS rifle I suggested in my guide for first-time buyers.
But that’s a separate article.
In late 2011, I started competing in local matches with Ascalon. Shortcomings became apparent. The rail, which was wide enough to encompass a suppressor, was a little too wide. It was also only 10″ long because I thought the exposed gas block look was really cool. Well, it looked cool, but I wanted more real estate for my hand.
After building the second rifle, I came back to update this one.
Version 2.0
With some corrections in mind, I started planning Version 2 in 2012.
Firstly, I replaced the wide BAR, which literally stood for “Big Ass Rail,” with a much lower profile Samson Engineering model produced for Rainier Arms. Since the Samson used the standard AR-15 barrel nut, the whole upper had to be reassembled again. I used the opportunity to go to another well-known gunsmith in the area.
The whole stock assembly came off as well, replaced with the newly-released Vltor A5 buffer tube, buffer, rifle spring, and EMod stock. I also swapped out the Magpul MIAD for a BCM Gunfighter grip.
I eventually replaced the AAC Blackout flash hider with a BCM Gunfighter Compensator. Since I used this more for competition than fighting, a comp made more sense. The thing was also brand new on the market, and well…I like to tinker with new stuff.
I originally mounted the TR-24 on an ADM 1.93 “High” mount. This raised the 1-4x optic to about the same height as a lower 1/3rd red dot. It worked fine for fast run and
In all, these changes took the rifle from 9 lbs to 8.2 lbs.
As I got into more precision shooting, I replaced the TR-24 with a Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10×32. My exact scope is discontinued now, but the one I linked to is the current version.
A short piece of 1913 rail under the front of the rail left me the option to use a bipod.
Lastly, the Geissele SSA to another rifle and I installed an SD-E instead.
More Results
Version 2.0 of this rifle felt more lively and streamlined in the hands. I used it this way for several years before the next iteration.
The biggest issue I ran into was the scope. I’m a big fan of the PST 2.5-10×32, but it was too much magnification for such a light rifle. Everything was fine as long as I was shooting prone or from supported positions, but as soon as I tried to go positional, it just wouldn’t settle.
On to Version 3.0
The next round of changes happened in 2015. This is the current iteration of Ascalon, and the changes were relatively minor.
The Samson rail was nice, but I didn’t care for the propriety mounting system. Attaching anything to the rail meant bolting on segments of 1913 rail and then whatever I wanted to mount went on top of that.
It was about this time that direct mount solutions like

This was also shortly after I bought my Elcan SpecterOS 4x. If you recall from that review, the Elcan never mounted securely to the Spikes upper receiver due to some dimensional issues. So when I received the KMR-A, I also picked up a stripped BCM upper receiver. Once again, I had the upper re-assembled using the same barrel and guts, but with the new receiver and rail.
I also installed an SSA-E trigger and moved the SD-E to an as-of-yet unfinished large frame AR project. That thing has been sitting unfinished in the safe for five years and counting.
Yet Even More Findings
The Elcan now stays more or less on this rifle. The fixed 4x magnification works well with the low profile front sight. In fact, I actually removed the backup sights altogether. The whole thing is a nice light package that shoots well, so long as I use good ammo.
And that’s the rub, really.
Going all the way back to the beginning with Version 1.0, this rifle has always struggled with underpowered ammunition. Shooting cheap PMC bronze .223, particularly in cold weather, usually results in short stroking and other gas-related issues. When I ran it through an MVT course using cheap bulk ammo, it started choking by the end of the first day.
Using full-power military spec ammo always runs just fine.
I attribute that to the Centurion barrel, which Monty designed explicitly for the Mk 262 cartridge. Keeping it well-lubricated helps, too, but I honestly lost a little faith in this rifle after that happened.
The Final Results
Ascalon, my recce, will always hold a special place in my heart as “the first” AR in my collection. But, to be honest, it’s the one I shoot the least these days.
For serious defensive training and potential use, I prefer the lighter and simpler rifle I later built for my wife (that’s #2 in the collection) and suggest as the Minimum Capable Carbine.
For sheer fun, I much prefer my 20″ DMR/M16A5 rifle or the 18″ KISS configuration (rifles #3 and #4, respectively).
Ascalon sits in this kind of gray area where I know it can do things pretty well, but it doesn’t make me go “wow” as the other ones do. It has, by far, undergone the most revision of every weapon in my safe.
At this point, I can’t even estimate how much money I’ve spent on it over time.
Perhaps I need to get it out to the range and do something it would shine at, like a DMR course of fire or a recce match.
Over to You
Maybe you have a similar story for your “first.” How did that turn out? Do you still have it and use it?
“The buffer was the ST-T2 model, which I do not recommend.”
Why not? Perhaps I missed mention of why that is elsewhere (I did search, both via the native search on this site and via Googling “site:everydaymarksman.co ST-T2”).
My experience is quite limited compared to yours, but the ST-T2 is often suggested by others and I have two of them in two different rifles (one from Spike’s, one I built) and haven’t noticed any issues related to the buffer. Again, my experience is limited and anecdotal, so I’m not questioning you, just wondering why you do not recommend it.
FWIW, while I do have one of their complete rifles, I’m not a Spike’s fanboi and have no dog in this fight.
To be honest, be going out of the way to say I do not recommend it was probably overkill. It’s not like the thing really ever caused me significant problems. But I use it as one of those examples of getting sucked into marketing hype.
The data I was able to dig up was that the granularized tungsten in the buffer didn’t actually shift weight as cleanly as the traditional buffer system. That ultimately caused the ST-T2 to exhibit a higher degree of “bolt bounce” during weapon cycling. Now, since most of us aren’t shooting full automatic where that phenomenon could become an issue, it’s really not a big deal.
In the end, if you have one installed, it’s fine. There isn’t even a rush to get rid of it (though the A5 system is a drastic improvement, IMO).
Thanks for explaining your thoughts on it. I’ll definitely take a look at the A5 System for future builds.
My first AR is my 16″ left-hand eject homebrew I put together from 2013-2014. It had some issues at first but those were as much user induced as they were rifle problems, and we got past them together. It’s run without issue for about a 1,000 rounds since. Well, until this past weekend when I screwed my new silencer to it and put a new mag on it at the same time. There’s a lot going on, so I’m not sure what the actual incompatibility is.
This rifle is also the one I’m in the process of splitting into 2 new guns, an 11.5″ pistol & an 18″ DMR.
I’d be curious as to the kinds of problems you’re having. Might be a good chance to talk about tech issues.
Those two builds sound fun, though!
It’s weird. With the Lancer mag it runs, and with Pmags it runs. Lancer + can doesn’t run, but Pmags + can does.
I’m not really super concerned about figuring it out at the moment, as that barrel won’t be featured on either of my guns in the future.
Although I used different parts, my first build story is identical to yours. I wanted to build a top-shelf quality “SHTF” general purpose rifle, but wanted to do it cheaper than an off the shelf rifle. I ended up spending roughly- you guessed it- $3000 on parts and tools, in 2009 or 2010. I also cruised M4c and ar15.com for build advice while buying parts, deployed in Balad. After years of use and abuse, it gradually morphed into a “Recce” rifle, as I began to prefer lighter, simpler rifles for GP use. I still have it, and love it, when the occasion calls for a bit heavier rifle with low magnification. Its details can be found in M4c’s build forum.
Thanks for coming by! I dug up that thread, and it looks like a great rifle. I’m glad to see it’s been running well for you. I think that the 2009-2011 period was really popular for that “build it yourself cheaper” advice. The message seems to have died down a bit since the market is flooded with such a huge assortment of configurations right from the factory.
I’m right there with you for the lighter/simpler style in everyday use. That’s why I made the suggestions I in my article on picking the first AR.
Thanks again for commenting.
My first was a standard M4 configuration RRA 6.8spc. Toward the end of my enlistment, right after a deployment, I decided I needed an AR. I spent a lot of downtime on the deployment reading about the latest and greatest and the 6.8 is impressive. I still think it is a superior intermediate cartridge over the 5.56. So, like many others I bought a copy of Green Eyes and Black Rifles at the Exchange and started looking to kit out my gun. I couldn’t find a tube-like handguard anywhere except an old Hogue aluminum free float tube. Bought that, had a low pro gas block installed and then mounted the Hogue tube myself. Tapped it for a couple short rail sections I cut myself from a handguard and got my light mounted. Then I forked over $300 for the new Troy/VTAC tube that was virtually first to market for lite vented tubes. I scored an Aimpoint M68 from a retired federal agent, along with a huge pile of SSA 6.8 ammo. I added Magpul grip, trigger guard, bad lever, and a Badger charging handle latch. Oddly, I tried a VLTOR stock but preferred the plain Jane M4 stock(non-waffle) that came on the gun. I had Troy folding sights, which were brand new to market. That was a pretty decent gun, and 6.8 SPC was great on deer around the farm. Not really sure why I sold it, but I think it may have involved a big market panic and a… Read more »
Hey Shelby, thanks for coming by and commenting! It seems like you and I followed a very similar path with kitting out a rifle. It
Sometimes I still get the urge to put together a 6.8 upper just to play with it, but I always come back to “but what am I going to do with it?” I don’t really hunt, and I would probably take a 308 if I were going to. I always felt like the 6.8 was sort of being wedged into a magazine well and bolt face it was never meant for. I’d be very curious to see if it makes a return in a big way with new developments in ammunition that result in a new rifle altogether.
In any case, it’s true, you never forget your first.
Ironically, my first AR was an FN Military Collector’s M16A4. Always was my dreamed rifle. With the ACOG, ALG trigger, and Surefire light, the whole rig was over $3k. But I love it, and still have it. MOA with Mk262 or good 77 grains. Heavy, but reliable, and everyone have to have a 20″ rifle at some point. My attention was then the carbine, which was more so “shit and giggles” than anything, but it was for a more practical purpose, nonetheless. I wanted a completely ambidextrous carbine, so I began with an Aero lower with PDQ lever and Norgon mag release. Then Geissele had a sale, and the upper and trigger completed it. I also went for an Aero anti-tilt buffer tube. The whole build completed just at the fall of last year. I later switched the Aero lower for an LMT ambi, which made it rather LARP-y, but also extremely practical. The whole build was surprisingly a lot cheaper than my M16A4, as well as being much lighter. For this one, I popped on it a Bushnell Elite Tac 1-6.5 that I had for a very good deal, and the whole build is surprisingly accurate. The folks at Radian is assembling a self-built kit. Ironically, the Radian was supposed to be my second rifle, but I-1639 happened, and I didn’t want to deal with the lousy home ec class, so I now have to wait for the self-built kit. Fingers crossed I don’t mess up the barrel when… Read more »
I really like that M16A4 model, as well as Colt’s version. There’s just something classy and “right” about the whole thing especially equipped with the goodies you detailed.
I really liked the idea of a fully ambi AR, but held off when I had the chance because doing so would have violated a bunch of the rules in California (where I was living at the time).
The M16A4 is a very accurate rifle. I guess it was only natural that the rifle is fitted with an optic. Aesthetically, the length and the full rifle stock just lends itself to a more elegant weapon.
I would hope to you with an ambi AR someday. I know that some folks scoff at the idea, but really, it does offer a practical value that the AR platform has been missing. It made it so much easier to manipulate the controls of the rifle without resorting to losing your grip and such.
“That thing has been sitting unfinished in the save for five years and counting.” SAVE to SAFE
Thanks for the catch 🙂
First and foremost change I’d make to “my first” RECCE would be the Ballistic Advantage 16″ SPR Barrel swapped for the same barrel that’s fluted. It’d save nearly half a pound– 35 oz to 27.4. Puts it at the same weight as 16″ BA Hanson .750 w/ gas block.
Second change would be swapping the 1-4x scope for 1-6 or 8x. Would keep it FFP. Likely Primary Arms mid-tier given my budget and supposedly great eye relief on those.
Third change would be Vltor A5 buffer system from Geissele H1 braided buffer. And swap POF AR15 tube for AR10 — POF tubes have extra drain holes, milspec materials, anti rotational on the buffer detent, and anti-tilt extension (all bolts tilt slightly) — and AR10 are A5 compatible. The ACS-L stock I have is well suited for A5 length as well.
As is, can shoot everything from TULA to milspec ammo reliably — haven’t tried Tula in cold however.
Happy with the Aero M4E1 enhanced upper. 12″ rail — could go longer for optical grip given bipod, but tradeoffs likely not worth benefit. Would keep Vltor clamp on gas block.
I might swap the Geissele G2S for a G2S-E, and maybe consider offset irons instead of inline w/ detachable scope mount.
I’ve had my RECCE since before it was in style. Started as a Bushmaster Carbine with red dot, fixed front post and heavy ass quad rail. Through the years it has evolved to its current config. WITT machine SME out front for that suppressor look, fluted 1/8-barrel, low profile has block, Midwest Industries Gen 1 SS slim line handguard, Burris 1-4X LPVO with scope mounted ZERO BRAVO ring offset sites, anti-roll pins, B5 Systems SOBMOD, Magpul RGV vertical. By the way, did the original RECCE utilized the vertical or not? Just curious…