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Only accurate rifles are interesting

The primary emphasis of The Everyday Marksman is on your personal skill and capabilities, but I’m not blind to the importance of good and reliable equipment for your success. The articles here cover selecting, configuring, and using your gear.

You can’t escape the work, though.

The thing I want to you remember is that your equipment only has to be good enough to be reliable. After that, it’s all about what you are capable of achieving with it. Don’t fall into the trap, as I did, of looking for mechanical solutions to software problems.

/// Equipment Archive

Reinventing the Wheel [Gun]: An Interview With the Revolver Guy

You know, I’ve never thought about it much but I know very little about revolvers. As someone who is a confirmed ballistics and firearms nerd, I’ve never actually learned anything about an entire class of firearms that dominated the personal defense scene for most of modern history. My guest on the podcast today, Justin Carroll, is here to help with that. Justin is a former a US Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance member turned personal digital security expert. He’s also the Editor and Chief of Revolver Guy. Justin has published articles for GUNS Magazine, American Handgunner, and currently writes for Lucky ...
ACOG TA-110 from the front and on its side

AR-15 Optics: Making the Best Choice for You

Like barrels, triggers, and all the other choices, Ar-15 optics are a challenging one. There's a lot of misunderstanding and "fluff" out there. I want to take a few moments and discuss some thoughts on optics selection.
Canadian C7A2

A Builder’s Guide to the M16A5 Concept Rifle

The M16A5 configuration, though somewhat ambiguous, is some of the most fun you can have with the AR15 platform. You might know it as any combination of collapsible stock and 20" barrel, but there is actually a history here I wanted to get into. At the end, we'll talk about building your own version.

Does the ACOG Really Slow You Down? Part 1

Check on any given online forum focused on the AR-15/M4, or really any gun board, and you'll likely find a debate over using ACOGs in a world full of red dots and Low Power Variable Optics (LPVO). I decided to test it out. Internet speculation and hokey superstition are no match for cold hard data.

The Minuteman KISS Rifle: Beauty in Simplicity

The Minuteman Rifle, as I call it, was a commemorative reminder of my time as a Minuteman ICBM launch officer. This lightweight KISS rifle was my main AR project between 2016 and 2017, and now one of my favorites to shoot. Let's walk through the decisions I made and see if you can't get any ideas.
BCM 20" government upper

BCM 20″ Government Barrel: Raw Truth Review

This is a review of my BCM 20" Government Profile Barrel, which I purchased as part of a complete upper in 2014. To date, it's been a fantastic piece of gear, but is the 20" outdated at this point?
larue tactical mbt trigger

LaRue Tactical MBT: The Meticulously Built Trigger Review

The LaRue Tactical MBT is a fantastic trigger, especially when you can get it for the prices it goes on sale for. I've run one for a couple of years now, and thought it time to give it a proper review.

The Smock: Low-Profile Load Carriage Option

The tactical smock isn't as popular in the United States as it should be. It's a fantastic way to carry a bunch of important gear, from ammunition to shelter kits, close to the body and under a fairly low profile. In this post, let's take a closer look at it.

What’s the Difference Between Muzzle Brakes and Compensators?

A lot of people confuse muzzle brakes and compensators as being the same thing. Even manufacturers get the distinction wrong. They aren't equivalent, though. But it doesn't really matter for one important reason.

A Marksman’s Guide to the Shooting Sling

If you're new to shooting, you probably haven't been exposed to a proper shooting sling. The shooting sling is one of the most helpful tools for better marksmanship. It practically doubles my accuracy capability.

The Story of My First AR-15: The Recce

I would like to talk about some of my personal project builds. The intent of this post is not so much a "show and tell" as it is a discussion of what decisions I made, why I made them, and how they affected me as time went on. I'd like to think that my decision-making skills got better as time went on and I gained experience.
.223 cartridges in front of AR-15

AR-15 Technical Details: How to Read the Spec Sheet

You know how that "teach a man to fish" saying goes? I always thought it was a little pithy, but it wasn't wrong. I'm going to review common AR-15 specs and explain what they mean.

Gear Lessons from Desert Brutality

Fellow blogger Sunshine Shooter competed in Desert Brutality 2019, a match that emphasizes physical toughness of you and your equipment. In this post, you'll get a sense of what Desert Brutality is all about as an event, and some tips for competing in future iterations.

Tips for Adding an Assault Pack to Your Loadout

During our series on load carriage, we've gone over all of the most common methods available. Now it's time to talk about where to put all that extra stuff: the assault pack.

Vedder Light Tuck Holster: Raw Truth Review

The Vedder Light Tuck holster has been my go-to CCW holster for over a year. I thought it was time to do a write up about this great American-made holster.

Trijicon LED TA-110 ACOG: Raw Truth Reviews

For whatever reason, I don't think the Trijicon battery-powered LED ACOGs have gained as much traction as they deserve. The classic combat optic paired with an efficient LED emitter is a great combination, and I want to take a deeper look at it. In particular, I'm going to review my TA-110 ACOG with the horseshoe-dot reticle and green LED illumination.

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