Not all marksmen are snipers. There is an element of romanticism around snipers and precision marksmanship. The reality isn’t as glamorous. A lot of a sniper’s job is actually observation and intelligence gathering.
If you recall, designated marksmanship grew out of Soviet doctrine (though it wasn’t the foundation of it). The need focused on precision marksmanship embedded at the squad level to better supported fire and maneuver, much like squad automatic weapons. Designated marksmen also provided additional range capabilities and emphasized priority targets like field commanders, radio men, crew served weapons, and more. The fieldcraft, observation skills, and other skills associated with snipers weren’t necessary for this role- they only needed to deliver effective fire at range.
Rifles are typically semi-automatic and capable of accurate fire up to 600 yards. The Soviets used the Dragunov SVD. At first, the US fielded modified M14s, the Mk 12 SPR, SAM-R and SDM-R rifles, SR-25, and the Hk 416 IAR. Designated marksmen typically receive additional marksmanship training to go along with their improved optics.
![Army designated marksman with M14](
Enter the Swiss Sniping 4th Generation Program
The Swiss recognized the same need as other nations, but didn’t have the time or budget to do it the same way. Instead, they developed a system that mixed a point blank zero with designated holdover points and controlled rapid fire instead of single shots. They called this concept Sniping 4th
S4G is a field expedient method to maximize what little time and exposure the shooter can take advantage of.
The quoted portions below
The Concept
“This is a description by “Bold,” a forum member from Germany, of a Swiss mil program, “Sniping 4th Generation” (S4G). It’s an interesting read; I hope you find it so.
The Swiss have a very interesting designated marksman concept called “Sniping 4th Generation” (abbr. S4G).
In a single day of training, S4G enables an ordinary shooter to hit a man-sized target at 600 meters with the Swiss service rifle and a decades-old fixed 4x-scope – not with every shot, but with a very short target exposure time required.
Notice the limitations that drove the program development.The training course takes place over the course of one day, not weeks or months. The rifle they work with is the standard service rifle, a Sig 550 chambered in 5.56 NATO and equipped with a fixed 4x scope.
The scope referenced is the Kern, which has a simple post reticle with no holdover markings. It’s closer to my TR24G than an ACOG.
The math behind S4G is centered around a practical accuracy of 1 per mill – “practical” meaning the combination of rifle, ammo, optics, shooter, and “per mill” meaning a deviation of not more than one meter at 1000 meters, **or 10 centimeters at 100 meters. That amounts to round about 3.4 MOA, which is not too difficult to achieve.
The bolded portion is equivalent to the vital zone of a standard point blank zero. The allowable deviation chosen for sniping 4th generation is 1 mil. Note that milliradians are an angular measurement rather than a linear one, this becomes important in a bit.
The Training
For the designated marksman, the Swiss regard quick hits with a few more rounds expended as superior to a perfect single round hit that took the better part of a minute or more to set up or a shot – because the latter method might see a lot of shots that are never taken as the target has disappeared in the meantime.
I want to emphasize a particular point here. The Swiss thinking behind Sniping 4th Generation is that precision marksmanship is too slow. It takes too much time for the average rifleman to estimate range, dial sights, and take a perfect shot. The concept provides a simple way to pick an aiming point and place effective fire where it needs to go as quickly as possible.
Remember, real targets don’t wait for you to hit them. They are actively trying not to get shot.
The course starts in the KD-Box (“Kurzdistanz-Box”, i.e. short distance range) at 25 meters.
First, we are taught a simple and universal method of zeroing a scope with unreadable or no markings.
We fire a 3-shot group at 25 meters (prone with a daypack as a rifle rest) and adjust windage by 10 clicks. Then, we fire 3 more shots, measure the distance between the centers of the two groups and divide it by 10 (any number will do, but it needs to be large enough to compensate for small shooting errors and other deviation factors – so adjusting by a single click is out, but you could just as well use 20 clicks and divide by 20, for example). Now we know the adjustment one click will give us at 25 meters.
We repeat the process for elevation and now have the numbers to adjust our formerly unknown scope to point of aim = point of impact at 25 meters.
Depending on the rifle and scope, this will give us a zero of 25 / 300(ish) – the exact distance for the second intersection is not too important.
Notable here is that the Swiss end up with about the same point blank zero as the US military trains for. But, even more interesting, they don’t zero for the far distance at 300, only the near distance.
Range Estimation
When we look at a target with our Mk1 eyeball and can see any kind of detail, that is a close target.
Details would be stuff like gender, hair color, hairstyle, the general type of clothing (e.g. wearing a jacket or not), other equipment (e.g. backpack, rifle) etc..
With a close target, we will aim at the hip, since generally the target will be within ~300 meters and our bullet will impact above the line of sight and thus somewhere on the torso.
When we cannot make out any of those details and are just able to see a person, we have a far target.
With a far target, we aim at the neck/head, since our bullet will impact below the line of sight – again, somewhere on the torso.
This portion here is the most interesting to me. A traditional point blank zero means you pick an aiming point, such as center mass, and fire. The bullet stays within plus or minus your chosen vital zone up to a desired distance. For example, a 300 yard zero with a 20″ barrel and keeps the arc of the bullet within +/- 4 inches from muzzle to 300 yards. Your job is putting the point of aim where you need it and firing.
The Swiss, on the other hand, have a requirement for 600 meters, or about double the distance. To make this work, they’re dividing the arc of the bullet into two segments: near and far, then selecting different aiming points to allow the ballistic arc to do its thing. I’ve worked up a few graphics to illustrate how this looks in theory. The left is a standard 300-yard BZO, which you can see keeps most shots in the center mass zone out to 350 yards, with 400 yards hanging down at the hips. The same zero with different aiming points results in the two other graphics.
Of note, my calculated drop for 500 yards and beyond was off the target, but would still likely be in the vicinity of the legs.
With practice, it is easy to grasp the concept of aiming at the belt line as the target gets closer or at the neck as the target gets further.
The hazard here is what to do if you can’t actually see the whole target. In the case of a head peeking out from a wall, there is no neck or belt line to aim for. Also, if you look at the impact points, the belt line shots look like they result in gut shots from muzzle to zero distance. While effective as far as combat is concerned, I also think it’s counter to what most people think when they want a shot to have an immediate stop.
Wind Correction
For a close target, we do not correct for wind at all.
For a far target, we correct half the target’s width for weak wind. Weak wind is a wind that can be felt on exposed skin but will not significantly sway trees or make clothing flap about.
According to the definition of weak wind, we now know what strong wind would be – anything noticeably stronger than weak wind.
In a strong wind, we hold a full target’s width into the wind, i.e. we imagine a “virtual twin” right beside our target and hold at its neck/head area.
This is standard windage advice. Rather than worry about the exact windage value, as a precision shooter would do, you simply judge if the wind is light or strong.
Taking The Shot
The shooting itself consists of two parts:
The first shot is a carefully aimed single shot. If it hits and produces perceptible results, we can stop.
If it does not produce results, be it from a miss or a bad hit, we change to what the Swiss call “rasches Einzelfeuer” – rapid semi-auto.
Depending on our shooting position and distance, we shoot five shots at a steady rhythm of 1 to 2 rounds per second. We do not try to see the bullet impact, we do not change our point of aim.
The thinking behind that is this:
If we missed our first shot (or had a bad hit), something went wrong. We could have misjudged distance or wind. Maybe we jerked the trigger or maybe it was something else. We do not know and we do not have the time to find out.
This “volley fire” is very different from what most people think of in terms of sniping.
If you study small unit tactics, though, you’ll realize that this technique is not about landing that first hit. In conflict, any shot that causes the enemy to react and take cover is effective fire.
If the first shot did not connect, then the following volley could at least pin the target down and allow maneuvering.
Impact Deviation for Sniping 4th Generation
What we try to achieve with our rapid follow-up is to increase our deviation just to the point where one of the shots we fire will cancel out our earlier mistake, but not so far as to miss the target completely…The Swiss army is taught to shoot this way (one aimed shot with eventual rapid-fire follow-up) at all distances.
Depending on target exposure time, distance or movement, we might skip the carefully aimed shot and start with rapid semi-auto fire – our call.
The follow-on volley fire is not designed to correct the initial mistake. Rather, the idea of sniping 4th generation is to use the natural variation in accuracy to rapidly place more shots in the vicinity of the first.
Statistical deviation does its thing and there is a good chance that one of the follow-on shots will connect with a target. At a minimum, in a real conflict, all of the shots would be considered effective fire.
Scenario Practice
Putting it all together, let’s say we perceive a possible target.
As we establish our shooting position, we go through the very short checklist.Do we see details? – No.
FAR target, neck/head hold.
Wind? – Just a touch on the face from the right side: WEAK, HALF a target’s width into the wind.
At the time we are content with our shooting position, we already know that we need to aim just above the right shoulder of the target – the process took us mere seconds (and can be practiced any time you go out for a walk…).
He goes on to explain the details of the rifle and scope used for the program. But he closes by saying that students of the course achieve an 80% hit rate out to 600 meters using this system.
One aimed shot followed by five rapid shots. This video depicts a Swiss military exercise. If you pay attention to the rifle fire, you’ll notice the cadence of one shot followed by a rapid string of follow on shots.
Final Thoughts
It might
But most people in a firefight don’t have the luxury of time and concealment that a true long-range precision professional might have. A system like sniping 4th generation would seem to obey the Clausewitzian principle of applying mass by applying “accurate enough” fire to a concentrated location and raising the probability of a hit.
The trade-off, of course, is a potentially higher expenditure of ammunition.
Something that stood out to me about post-type reticle of the Kern is its similarity to the triangle-post on my TR24G. Of course, the TR24 also has the advantage of being able to zoom down to 1x and effectively serve as a green dot sight.
As interesting as the sniping 4th generation concept is, I wouldn’t use it for general marksmanship. It’s definitely geared towards combat and small unit tactics, though. The big takeaway for me is the underlying principle of choosing an appropriate battlesight zero (BZO) and using field-expedient methods to estimate range and wind.
In fact, I think it’s worth exploring how we might choose a different zero distance and some other aiming points that serve this same concept, but perhaps with a bit more probability of hit to the A-Zone. Of course, if you’re using an optic equipped with a BDC anyway, then a lot of this is moot.
Love the idea of S4G. Too bad the instructional book wasn’t available in English.
The one problem with the above original article, regards hitting the target at 600 meters. The author perhaps forgot to state that in order to do so, using an approximate Swiss altitude, requires aiming ~90 inches ABOVE the target.
Two additional articles I reccomend to assist with S4G, deal with adjusting for wind (similar to above) and estimating the target’s distance:
Thanks for a great article !, IAC.
Hey Ignazio, sorry about the delay. Your comment got flagged as spam since it had two links in it. Thank you for those links, they do indeed look helpful. I’d always be cautious about taking something like Bold’s description as gospel for the exact reason you mentioned. There are almost always other factors at play. But the underlying concept is sound. If you know the predictable trajectory arc, you can leverage with two different aiming points and double your effective range.
“Effective” is relative, though. This method wouldn’t be effective for hunting or precision competition, but it would be effective at making an adversary seek cover.
Hey Matt, great to see my old write-up is still making the rounds 🙂 S4G seems very strange at first sight and as a traditional target shooter, the first reaction is “You can’t do it this way! Shooting inaccurately on purpose? This is all wrong!” But you quickly realize that indeed you can and it works. I completely agree about what you said for the application: It is not for hunting, let alone a marksmanship competition. For this reason, I use a regular 50 meter zero on my rifles, but I make sure I know the adjustment to switch to my “S4G zero” when I deem it appropriate. Also, Ignazio has a point regarding bullet drop. Depending on barrel length, ammunition and – quite important with a 25 meter zero, but often forgotten – sight height over bore, you hit the limit of the concept somewhere between 500 and 600 meters and that bullet starts to drop like a rock. And you hit that limit HARD – it works like a charm up to a certain point and 50 or 75 meters farther away the wheels come off and it all breaks down. But you have one last thing going for you when you get close to the limit: As a soldier, you might have made the experience that sometimes a low shot glances off the ground and still hits the target (on some military ranges, it is very easy to see when this happens). The Swiss know this very… Read more »
Thanks for coming by! I’d be very curious to see how you found me, lol. I appreciate your input, and if you want to add any further detail or even offer a brand new writeup on the topic, I’d be happy to post it!
As you put it, the S4G concept has a time and a place but you have to know its limits.
It takes longer to explain than it should: I had a discussion on another (German) forum about the next German assault rifle and while the details might be too much for a format like this, suffice it to say there is a real possibility (IMO: danger) for the Bundeswehr to return to a rifle in 7,62×51 for rather badly thought out reasons. So we came to questions of effective range, wind drift etc. and I felt it helpful to mention S4G. At this point, I did a quick check if one can still find useful information on the net about it or if I would have to explain it in the discussion. As expected, I found an older German article about it from a friend of mine. I also found an English post titled “An Introduction to Sniping 4th Generation” from 2018, which caught my interest – and I had a good laugh when I saw that you referenced my own post from a few years back. I knew that back in the day it had made the rounds to a handful of forums from the one I originally posted it in, but seeing an analysis this recent was news to me. Regarding a new writeup: If you understand the ideas involved, the whole concept fits on a Post-it. Only if we construct a narrative around the training module or if we explain every idea behind it in detail does it take up a few pages. I think with your… Read more »
Thanks Bold, for your info regarding spotting the rounds bouncing off the ground. I had not thought about the 2 useful possibilities that creates. Not to mention skipping rounds into kneeling or prone targets !
From …When we look at a target with our Mk1 eyeball and can see any kind of detail…
…Die Faustregel ist: Kann man durch das ZF Details an der Uniform erkennen, ist der Entfernungsbereich „mittel“…
(The rule of thumb is: If you can see details on the uniform through the ZF, the distance range is “medium”) where ZF is Zielfernrohr – Riflescope.
So shall the “close” distance be valued with or without 4x scope?..
Both Near & Far should be with the Naked Eye, IMO.
Otherwise with a scope, you’re making out Fine (100 yd) Details, many 100s of yarda away !
Also found from this French website-, where they discuss Aiming at 500 & 600 meters; page 2-
@500 meters, half a body height above Target. At 600m, a full body height above Target.
Good morning. Thanks for sharing this post which is very helpful. What about 7.62 x 51mm? How does the ammo behave?
Hi Vasco, I don’t have a good corollary to use. The best bet is to look at point blank zeroes and some ballistics tables to figure out a similar window.
Matt – interesting subject! I know I’ve run across a similar concept (original credit unknown). What seems familiar is the ‘target detail’ ranging and aiming point adjustment. I have no idea where I’ve seen (read about) this before (it could have been in an older 1960 or ’70’s ‘FMF’ Marine publication I have – ‘Intro to Sniper Basics’ or something similar). If you think about having only iron sights with a set ‘BZ’ the SG4 isn’t a bad technique for the occasional ‘longer’ shot for an infantryman who doesn’t typically adjust his sights. It could be the case though, as you mentioned, that modern military rifle optics have eliminated the need for this. The modern Designated Marksmen ‘DM’ has all but eliminated the squad level sniper (which actually are organized at the battalion level in their own platoons since Vietnam). As you mentioned in addition to extraordinary long range shooting skill the sniper was also an observation and intelligence gathering tool for command. The observation part, it seems, has been replaced by ever increasing satellite and drone technology. High Value Targets ‘HVT’s (officers and commanders) are also using this advancing technology to command from protected and hidden ‘information centers’. Finding a battalion level commander on a modern battlefield is scarce. The USMC has recently eliminated the ‘sniper’ MOS and now is taught only within SF groups such as Marine Force Recon and MARSOC. They’re still available to field commanders but through different organization levels. I don’t know if the Marines… Read more »
The appearance of objects method goes back a LOT farther than that.
For instance, in the British book by Captain C.B. Mayne, Infantry Fire Tactics published in 1888 we find:
“The Russian Colonel Kanlbars, in his well-known report on the German Army, states that general rules used in Germany for estimating ranges are as follows:—
At 50 meters a man can see the mouth and eyes of an enemy clearly.
100 the eyes as points.
200 the buttons and different parts of the uniform.
300 the face.
400 the movements of the arms and legs.
500 colour of the cloth*
* This is a reference to the dark blue and dark green uniforms used abroad. English red can be distinguished at much longer distances.”
Thanks John! I’m not surprised how old the methodology is and as I said for ‘iron sights’ on his battle rifle it’s not a bad technique for infantrymen. I suppose it would work with a ‘fixed power’ optic also if adjustment was cumbersome.
Going through my head lately…
Considering the m27 IAR.
Precision suppression is thought to be an adequate counter to the volume suppression of the SAW while giving adequate precision to serve in the Sniper M4/Recce role.
Applied to the AR, a rifle might be built to flex between the DM and light base of fire weapon like the ARPK concept.
This article describes a practical way of using such a rifle, which should have a high chance of first round hit, and effectively following it up with a small beaten zone.
I think they are making do with the scope they have, and something with a BDC and dirty ranging makes more sense. I’ll take an A4 ACOG matched to a 20 in barrel for the role.
I think I shall mix and match some parts in the shop and see if I can’t build one and try the idea out.
This gave me a lot of food for thought. I’ve been employing a similar method as an Infantryman for years, and this helps me articulate my reasoning, and provide calculation.